Ruff Run 2022!
April 9th, 2022
Presented by High Desert Dog Sports.
Come join us in the beautiful foothills of the San Gabriel mountains for our first ever Obstacle Course for humans AND their dogs!
You can find these races in other parts of the country, especially back east, but nothing has been introduced here ….until NOW!
Humans and their 4 legged counterparts will traverse a challenging obstacle course to test their fitness and strengthen their bond on their way to the end goal! The course will be challenging- but there will be alternate stations available in the Fun Wave for those that have trouble completing an obstacle.
Choose your wave!
Competitor wave- will be first- where the athletes among us will vie for prizes and bragging rights and a free registration to race in 2020!
Fun wave! Everyone is welcome to give it a go- no time limit, no competition- just face the challenge and come out a winner!
Mini -Wave- Not quite up to a full 5k? We will have a 1k option available also!!
You will get dirty, you will be tired- but you definitely WILL HAVE FUN!!!
The finish line will be complete with matching Finisher Medals, BBQ (for both the human and canine team mates!) and fun games! And the after-party will make you forget your pains!
Don’t have your own pup to do the run with? No worries! We are partnering with a local rescue to have a “Best Friend for Rent” available for the day! This is a FANTASTIC way to get some of the great dogs available for adoption out in the public eye for a better chance at a forever home and give them a wonderfully fun day where they can forget their worries for a while and get some much needed exercise! Definitely a win-win for all!!!
We will have a Veterinarian and EMT on hand throughout the race.
Race will be held in Pinon Hills, CA at a private venue. All pre-registered teams will receive a matching T-shirt and bandanna !
Want to be a Vendor, Sponsor or Volunteer???
Contact us today!
High Desert Dog Sports
Phelan, CA
Facebook- High Desert Dog Sports,, IG- High Desert Dog Sports Phelan
STAY TUNED in to our Facebook page for up to date DETAILS!!